Where Algebra meets Art
A need for a creative outlet lead me to experimenting with physical art mediums. A passion for logic problems and mathematics lead me to apparel design. A love of both brought me to graphic and textile design.
Nature and technology always meet somewhere in the middle. How strange or unexpected that meeting place is determines its artistic potential. The goal of my work is to find the most inconvenient meeting place.
I've always had a knack for killing plants and destroying devices, despite my love for both. My pieces reflect this through natural color palettes, minimalistic shapes, and a cynical, sardonic overtone.
Each work envelops my attention until I feel it's just right. And yet, my sizing, proportion, and layout always involve some sort of convoluted algebra. I see the sanity of the world and find solace in mathematically defining where things should go, logically. A successful work only emerges with taking the insanity of the world and feeling out where things should go, aesthetically.
My happy place is where rationale meets instinct.
I'd like to share it with you.